沙巴SB体育网站官网 | 沙巴SB体育网站官网 and Cooling Excellence in Every Degree



本私隐政策(下称“本政策”)旨在更好地服务于关心其个人资料如何被天温(下称“天温”)使用的人士。,  “us”, 或“我们”). Please read this Policy carefully to get a clear understanding of how we collect, 使用, and disclose personal information that you or a third party provide. 提供个人信息或授权第三方向我们披露个人信息即表示您同意沙巴SB体育网站官网收集个人信息, 使用 and disclosure of your personal information in accordance with this Policy.

为本政策之目的, “个人信息”是指可以直接或通过其他合理可用的方式识别个人的信息.  “个人信息”的含义应以符合适用的省和联邦隐私立法的最低要求的方式解释.


我们以公平合法的方式收集个人信息,并将收集的信息限制在本政策中确定的目的所必需的信息.  The type of personal information that we may collect includes: your name, 电子邮件地址, address, 电话号码, 房屋类型, 你的房子是哪年建成的, 你的家的特点(e).g. type of flooring; whether your home is dry in the winter, etc.),你的家庭特征(如.g. whether anyone suffers from allergies or asthma; whether you have any pets), etc., 的付款信息, 信用评分和其他财务信息, 以及您提供给我们的其他信息, 或者我们的员工或独立承包商.


个人信息可以通过多种方式收集, 包括:当面, 通过电话, 通过邮件, 通过传真, 在互联网上, and from third parties who you have authorized to disclose personal information to us.

We collect information from you when you register on our site, 下订单, subscribe to a newsletter or enter information on our site.

If you believe that a third party has inappropriately disclosed your personal information to us, 请直接联系该第三方.  If the third party does not sufficiently respond to your inquiries, please let us know immediately.  

Your personal information will only be 使用d or disclosed in accordance with the purposes for which it was collected, unless you have otherwise consented or except where required or permitted by law.

Purposes for Collecting, Using, and Disclosing Personal Information

• To allow us to better service you in responding to your customer service requests.
• To administer a contest, promotion, survey or other site feature.
To follow up with you after correspondence (live chat, email or phone inquiries).
经营和管理我们的业务(包括计划), 质量改进, 处理付款, 报告, 资源分配, 和处理, 验证, 送你的订单).
了解人口统计, 利益, 使用模式, and other characteristics of our customers and potential customers.
To permit potential purchasers, auditors or advisors to evaluate 沙巴SB体育网站官网, on a confidential basis.
To determine suitability for advancing credit, loans and other payment plans available to you.
向我们的员工和独立承包商提供与向您提供服务(包括交付和安装您订购的产品)有关的信息, as well as any repairs and maintenance following installation).


我们的网站定期扫描安全漏洞和已知的漏洞,以使您访问我们的网站尽可能安全. 我们使用常规的恶意软件扫描.

您的个人信息包含在安全的网络后面,只有少数具有此类系统的特殊访问权限的人员才能访问, 并被要求对这些信息保密. 除了, all sensitive/credit information you supply is encrypted via Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology.

We implement a variety of security measures when a 使用r places an order enters, 提交, or accesses their information to maintain the safety of your personal information.

All transactions are processed through a gateway provider and are not stored or processed on our servers.


是的. cookie是网站或其服务提供商通过您的Web浏览器(如果您允许)传输到您的设备的小文件,使网站或其服务提供商的系统能够识别您的浏览器并捕获和记住某些信息. For instance, we 使用 cookies to help us remember and process the items in your shopping cart. They are also 使用d to help us understand your preferences based on previous or current site activity, 使我们能够为您提供更好的服务. 我们还使用cookie来帮助我们收集网站流量和网站交互的汇总数据,以便我们在未来提供更好的网站体验和工具.

• Help remember and process the items in the shopping cart.
• Understand and save 使用r’s preferences for future visits.
•汇总网站流量和网站互动的数据,以便在未来提供更好的网站体验和工具. We may also 使用 trusted third-party services that track this information on our behalf.

You can choose to have your device warn you each time a cookie is being sent, 或者您可以选择关闭所有cookie. 这可以通过浏览器设置来实现. 因为每个浏览器都有点不同, we suggest that you look at your browser’s Help Menu to learn the correct way to modify your cookies.

如果你把cookies关掉, some of the features that make your site experience more efficient may not function properly.


法律要求我们披露的信息类型可能与刑事调查或政府税务报告要求有关.  在某些情况下, 如法律程序或法院命令, we may also be required to disclose your personal information to authorities.  只有特别要求的信息才会被披露,我们会采取预防措施,以确保提出披露要求的当局有合法的理由这样做.  

Your personal information may be disclosed in situations where we are legally permitted to do so, such as in the course of employing reasonable and legal methods to enforce your rights, 行使我们的权利, 或调查涉嫌非法活动.  当我们认为出于保护权利的合理需要,我们可能会发布某些个人信息, 保护自己和他人的财产和安全.  

您也理解并同意,我们可能会使用您的个人信息,并将您的个人信息披露给与拟议或实际融资有关的第三方, 保险, 出售, 证券化, 转让或以其他方式处置我方全部或部分业务或资产(包括账户),以评估和/或执行拟议交易.  这些目的可能包括, 为例, permitting such parties to determine whether to proceed or continue with the transaction, fulfilling any 报告 or audit requirements to such parties, and/or disclosing personal information as part of concluding a 出售 or transfer of assets.  我们的继承人和受让人可以收取, 使用和披露您的个人信息 for substantially the same purposes as those set out in this Policy.  在交易没有通过的情况下, 我们将要求, 契约式, 交易的另一方或各方不得出于任何目的以任何方式使用或披露您的个人信息, 并归还或销毁该等个人资料.  

您的个人信息可能会提供给我们为您提供服务(包括交付和安装您订购的产品)的员工和独立承包商, as well as any repairs and maintenance following installation). Your payment information will be provided to our third party payment processor in order to process your payment. 如果您完成与购买我们的产品和服务相关的信贷申请,您的个人信息可能会提供给Financeit或其他金融机构.

We may provide your information that is not personal information to third parties for marketing, 广告, 或者其他用途.


Our website is governed by the provisions and practices stated in this Policy.  Our website may contain links to third party sites that are not governed by this Policy.  Although we endeavour to only link to sites that share our commitment to your privacy, 请注意,一旦您离开我们的网站,本政策将不再适用,我们不对第三方网站的隐私做法负责.  因此,我们建议您仔细检查第三方网站的隐私政策,以了解他们如何收集信息, 使用和披露您的个人信息.  


谷歌, as a third-party vendor, 使用s cookies to serve ads on our site. 谷歌使用DART cookie使其能够根据用户以前访问我们网站和互联网上其他网站的情况向用户提供广告. Users can modify the preferences for how 谷歌 advertises to them by going to the 谷歌 Ad Settings page. 另外, 用户可以通过访问网络广告计划选择退出页面或使用谷歌分析选择退出浏览器插件来选择退出.

We, 以及谷歌等第三方供应商, 将第一方cookie(如谷歌 Analytics cookie)和第三方cookie(如DoubleClick cookie)或其他第三方标识符一起使用,以汇编与我们网站相关的用户与广告展示和其他广告服务功能交互的数据.


We are happy to provide you with a copy of this Policy and to discuss any of its content with you.

要求, we will also inform you of: the type of personal information we have collected; how your personal information has been 使用d; and any third parties to whom your personal information has been disclosed.

Please direct all questions or enquiries about this Policy to us at service@videobride.net